All attendees at Frosty Faustings are solely responsible for their own conduct while participating in the event and agree to follow all rules stated below, any rules posted at the Westin in Lombard, Illinois, in addition to all local, state, and federal laws. Guardians are solely responsible for the conduct of any Minors Participating in the event.

By registering for Frosty Faustings XVII 2025 I agree to the following:
  • I have read, understood, and agree to follow the rules and regulations listed in the Frosty Faustings XVII COVID-19 Policy.  An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. By attending Frosty Faustings XVII 2025 you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 to yourself and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian.
  • I have read, understood, and agree to the Attendee Agreement listed below. I understand that additional rules may be stated at the event and I, and/or any Minor for which I am Guardian, agree to comply.
  • I have read, understood, and agree to the specific Game Rules posted on I, and/or any Minor for which I am Guardian, understand that Game Rules may change and will be responsible for reviewing the rules prior to attending.
  • I, and/or any Minor for which I am Guardian, understand that my tournament pools may begin at Frosty Faustings as early as Friday, January 24 at 9 am unless otherwise listed and no special seeding is owed to me.
  • I understand the refund policy outlined below and that I may not receive a full refund.  
  • I agree to receive emails from Frosty Faustings related to this year’s event and future events. Your email will not be sold or used by anyone other than Frosty Faustings.
  • I, and/or any Minor for which I am Guardian, agree to be subject to the latest version of this agreement at the time of attending Frosty Faustings.
  • I agree to be subject to a bag search, badge verification, and physical screening by uniformed, licensed security guards. Any refusal to adhere to Frosty Faustings safety measures will result in removal from the event without a refund. 

These are the terms (the “Agreement”) governing your attendance at and participation in Frosty Faustings XVII 2025 (the “Event”). By registering for the Event you agree to these terms, which form a binding legal contract between the Event owners and organizer, Frosty Faustings LLC, and the registered attendee or participant (“you”). If you are registering on behalf of another individual, it is your responsibility to ensure the person attending is aware of these terms and accepts them. By completing the registration on behalf of another individual you are warranting that you have made the attendee or participant aware of these terms and that they have accepted these terms.

All attendees of the Event agree to be bound by the decisions of Frosty Faustings LLC, its staff, affiliates, and anyone empowered to act on its behalf. All decisions made by Frosty Faustings will be binding in all respects. Frosty Faustings LLC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any individual it finds to be interfering with the type, process, or operation of its events, or to be acting in violation of any event rules, policies, code of conducts, or expected social norms.

Attendee Requirements

  • Admittance: Your registration entitles you to admittance to the Event for which you have registered. Any and all other costs associated with your attendance (including without limitation travel and accommodation expenses) shall be borne solely by you, and Event shall have no liability for such costs.
  • Use of Likeness: By attending the Event you acknowledge and agree to grant Event the right at the Event to record, film, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to Event includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media.
  • Event Content: You acknowledge and agree that Event, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change any and all aspects of the Event, including but not limited to, the Event name, themes, content, program, venue, date, and time.
  • Age Requirements: All persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a paying Guardian at all times. Guardians are solely responsible for the conduct of any Minors Participating in the event.
  • Identification: All attendees must provide one form of photo identification with the name appearing on their registration (student ID, passport, license, etc.) If you do not have a photo ID with your registration name, please be prepared to show proof of purchase from your email confirmation receipt. 
  • Attendee Badge Usage: Attendee badges must be worn at all times in Event areas.
  • Visa / Passport Requirements: It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of any government visa or passport requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa or passport should allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications. Event will not contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants or provide any other assistance relating to visa issues. Failure to obtain a visa or passport in advance of an Event does not constitute a valid basis for obtaining a refund.
  • FACE MASKS are strongly recommended but not required.
  • PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. Sanitizing stations will be positioned throughout the venue.
  • EVENT CAPACITY. The event will be capped at 4,000 attendees (competitors & spectators), not including staff. We have taken steps to reduce congestion and allow for more space between tables and fewer players per pool. We have restructured each ballroom’s content to minimize congestion and crowding.
  • IF YOU ARE SICK, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND. If you or any Minors for which you serve as Guardian have any symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious illness, such as coughing, runny nose, fever, chills, etc., please do not attend Frosty Faustings XVII. While we will miss you, for the health of all our guests, please enjoy the event via stream.
  • IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO COVID-19, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND. Please follow all CDC guidelines regarding quarantining and isolation prior to attending Frosty Faustings XVII. 
  • View the entire Frosty Faustings XVII COVID-19 Policy

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. By attending the Event you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 to yourself and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian.

Any attendee refusing to follow our COVID policy will be removed from the event without a refund.


  • All Games will be played on default settings unless otherwise noted in the “Games and Payouts” section for each game.
  • All Tournament Matches are 2/3 matches unless otherwise noted in the “Games and Payouts” section for each game.  Winners, Losers and Grand Finals for all games are 3/5!
  • All Games are double elimination. Games with larger turnouts will be split up into Pool Play.
  • Winners must keep same characters unless noted otherwise in “Games and Payouts” section for each game.

Checking In

  • You are responsible for checking into your pool before the official start time. If you are called for your match and are not present, you may be put into the losers bracket or disqualified at the judge’s discretion.
  • If you are entered into multiple tournaments and are required to play in two or more at the same time, whether it be in pools or top 8, please notify the judges running those brackets to avoid any DQs.


  • If players disagree on which side they play on or which stage to use, selection will be determined by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. Winner may choose.
  • If both players cannot agree on a stage within 10 seconds after selecting their characters, stage select is random, unless noted otherwise in specific game rules. If a banned stage is selected randomly, the stage should be selected again until a legal stage is selected.
  • Accidentally pausing the game at any time during your match will force you to forfeit the round. In case a pause occurs, notify a judge immediately before resuming play.
  • Turbo functions on all controllers are banned.
  • Players are responsible for bringing their own arcade sticks/control pads as we cannot provide controllers for competitors. Wireless controllers are banned unless plugged into the console directly. All controllers must be plugged into the console using a wire. If you wish to use converters, you must bring your own. Cronus and CronusMax Wireless converters are also banned. Disrupting other tournament matches with a wireless controller may result in being disqualified from the entire event.
  • Collusion of any kind with your competitors is considered cheating and will result in the collaborating players being immediately disqualified. This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director. Anyone disqualified in this manner forfeits all rights to any titles or prizes they might have otherwise earned for that tournament.
  • All competitors are responsible for checking for synced wireless pads on the console, and for desyncing them before playing a match to avoid disruptions. Pads can be desynced by going to options, devices, blue tooth devices, select controller, hit options button, select forget device. If a match is disrupted by a synced wireless controller, players should inform the bracket runner immediately and hold off on continuing the match. A game judge will determine how to proceed depending on the situation.

See the Games and Bonuses page for game-specific rules.

  • October & November:
    Badge Entry Fee is refundable, MINUS A $15 NON-REFUNDABLE HANDLING FEE.
  • December:
    Badge Entry Fee is refundable, MINUS A $25 NON-REFUNDABLE HANDLING FEE.
    Game Competition fees are still 100% refundable.
  • January 1st-12th:
    Game Competition fees are still 100% refundable.
  • January 13th and on:
    Zero refunds of any kind will be granted after January 12th.


  • If the event is canceled for any reason, 100% of the money will be refunded to all attendees.
  • Frosty Faustings has no intention of canceling the event unless the city or state of Illinois mandates a shutdown.
  • Alcohol is prohibited during the event if under 21.
  • All alcohol must be purchased from the venue.
  • No outside food or beverage is allowed in the event space.
  • Underage drinking and/or consuming outside alcohol at the event will result in immediate expulsion from the event without a refund.
  • BAG CHECKS will be required at various checkpoints throughout the event. Licensed Security will be checking bags and prohibited items (listed below) will not be allowed.
  • BADGE CHECKS AT THE ENTRANCE TO EVERY BALLROOM AREA. Licensed Security will be checking for badges at the entrance to every ballroom area. Lost badges will require a new badge purchase at the spectator price.
  • By attending Frosty Faustings you agree to be subject to a bag search, badge verification, and physical screening by uniformed, licensed security guards.

The safety of our attendees and staff is of the highest priority. 

During the Event, Frosty Faustings will have a professional, hired, Safety Officer onsite and available at all times. 

If you encounter a situation that;

  • Has made you feel unsafe or scared
  • You want to report something or someone suspicious
  • Might be a security or safety issue
  • Someone has caused any form of physical, sexual, or mental harassment 
  • Or any other uncomfortable situation

Please seek a Frosty Faustings staff member immediately and ask for the Safety Officer. The on-site Safety Officer will be contacted and the appropriate steps will be taken based on the situation. 

If your situation is delectate and you would prefer to wait in private, please go to the Official Frosty Faustings Merch Booth and ask for the Safety Officer. The Merch Staff will direct you to a private waiting area with discretion. 

  • Frosty Faustings LLC prohibits the possession or use of firearms, knives, fireworks, explosives, ammunition, chemical weapons, or any other weapons not listed during the entire event, including all event spaces and hotel spaces.
  • Frosty Faustings LLC prohibits the possession of objects or toys that appear to be firearms, ammunition, knives, or weapons.
  • Frosty Faustings LLC prohibits the possession or use of any illegal drug or narcotic during the entire event, including all event spaces and hotel spaces.
  • Frosty Faustings is a non-smoking event. Smoking for any kind or Vaping is not allowed inside any event or hotel space. Smoking areas are available outside of the hotel and event space and will require a badge and bag check upon reentry.

NOTE: FROSTY FAUSTINGS has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for weapons of any kind. Event security and local law enforcement officials will treat anything that looks like a real gun as a real gun

By participating in the event in any way, You agree and acknowledge to that you will not, and will not directly or indirectly cause others to, do any of the following “Prohibited Activities” in connection with the event:

  • Interfere with, damage, or engage in any act which disrupts the operation of the event or prevents any other attendee from Participating in the event by any means.
  • Distribute, wear, transmit, upload, display or otherwise circulate offensive content. Offensive content is determined at Frosty Faustings’s sole discretion.
  • Impersonate any other person or entity or perform fraudulent activities.
  • Sell goods or services, display goods or services, make solicitations, or conduct any commercial activities without approval from Frosty Faustings.
  • Harvest, collect, or attempt to collect the personal information, email addresses or other contact information of Frosty Faustings attendees without the consent of such attendees.
  • Defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud other attendees.
  • Circumvent, disable, damage, remove or otherwise interfere with the security, integrity, or proper conduct of the event.
  • Access any unauthorized part of the event.
  • Access any digital platform associated with the event by means of any robot, spider, scraper, crawler or other automated means for any purpose.
  • Participate in the event for any illegal purpose, or in violation of any applicable local, state, national, or international law or regulation.
  • Smoke within the Venue, including but not limited to, cigarettes, vape pens, and marijuana.
  • Drink or possess alcohol within the venue outside of the specifically designated areas. No one under the age of 21 may consume alcohol within or around the venue.
  • Use, sell, possess, or distribute any illegal drugs or other illegal substances.
  • Assault, steal, fight, engage in or incite violence of any kind, including, but not limited to, verbal threats of violence.
  • We expect all guests to behave in an adult manner and do not allow the verbal or physical display of pornography, gang symbols, discrimination against any person or group, or anything that may be deemed inappropriate by Frosty Faustings staff.
  • Frosty Faustings has a zero-tolerance policy toward violence, threats of violence, intimidation, inappropriate contact, harassment (sexual or otherwise), and other forms of personal misconduct while at the Event. Any incident or threat of violence, harassment, aggressive intimidation, or inappropriate contact of any kind while at the Event will result in a minimum 1-year to lifetime attendance ban.
  • Any person may be banned at the sole diescretion of Frosty Faustings, at any time, for any length of time, if Frosty Faustings LLC determines that the Event, or its attendees, are at risk.
  • Cheering and jeering from the crowd is perfectly fine, as is a healthy level of trash-talking and playful banter. However, if you cross the line into malicious, threatening, or discriminatory hate you will be thrown out of the venue. Do not try to intentionally make other attendees uncomfortable. Control yourself and treat others with respect.
  • In addition to the Frosty Faustings Code of Conduct, guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as event rules and instructions posted or otherwise listed.
  • Frosty Faustings LLC follows the Fighting Game Code of Conduct and enforces a safe and inclusive environment for all attendees. By participating in Frosty Faustings you agree to follow the expanded guidelines set forth at

You have been fully informed of, and agreed to, the event code of conduct prior to attending the event.

  • Frosty Faustings enjoys the having our talented cosplayers at our event. We encourage everyone to cosplay as their favorite fighting game characters. While in cosplay, please follow the below guidelines to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Failure to do so may lead to event staff or security asking you to leave the venue and change into everyday clothing. 
    • Please remember that Frosty Faustings is an all-ages event
    • Shoes must be worn at all times when inside Event and public Hotel & Venue spaces
    • Costumes must be able to fit through standard doorways
    • Costumes cannot disrupt the general flow of traffic
    • Please ensure that you are able to see and navigate your environment while in cosplay, noting that some venue spaces may be dimly lit
    • You are prohibited  from any attire that may be mistaken for local law enforcement, first responders, standardized security uniforms, or government uniforms

Prop Weapons and Replicas

Prop Weapons and Replicas are prohibited in all Event spaces except during Cosplay judging and competition.

If you plan to carry a weapon during Cosplay judging and competition, you must conform to the following: 
  • No metal weapons
  • No Firearms, ammunition, rifles, shotguns, handguns, blowguns, cap guns, paintball guns, water guns, tasers, laser pointers, laser-aiming devices, or laser devices in general
  • No toy/plastic guns of any kind
  • No Explosives, incendiary devices, chemical weapons, and pepper sprays or mace
  • No Knives, live blades, live swords, daggers, blades hidden in canes, switchblades, butterfly knives, axes, hatches, kunai, and ice skates
  • No loaded weapons of any kind 
  • No whips
  • Metal pole arms, bats, paddles, stilts, and golf clubs
  • Archery and hunting bows, arrows
  • Nunchucks, brass knuckles, and whips
  • You must demonstrate that you can carry the weapon without injury to yourself or others.
  • Transportation of weapons to and from the Masquerade must follow the Event’s weapon policy. Props must be inspected and peace bonded by security staff.

At the discretion of Frosty Faustings and Cosplay staff, the following may be allowed

  • Plastic and metal shields
  • Lightweight plastic, PVC props, and lightsabers

NOTE: FROSTY FAUSTINGS has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for weapons of any kind. Event security and local law enforcement officials will treat anything that looks like a real gun as a real gun. If you are hesitant that your prop looks like a gun, it likley does. Don’t bring it. Please contact us for questions. 

  • Your badge is your ticket! Without your badge, you will not be allowed to enter any event spaces. If you lose your badge during the event, a new badge will need to be purchased at the spectator price. Please take care to keep your badge safe.
  • By registering for the Event you agree not to sell, trade, transfer, or share your badge, unless such transfer is granted by Frosty Faustings LLC in writing. In the event that Frosty Faustings LLC determines that you have violated this policy, Event may cancel your badge(s), retain any payments made by you, report you to law enforcement authorities, and ban you from future Events.
  • Attendees wearing badges from previous Frosty Faustings Events or falsified badges and/or sharing or swapping badges will be immediately ejected from the Event and banned from future Events without refund or compensation. Frosty Faustings LLC considers such conduct theft of service, trespassing, and fraud and will report violators to law enforcement authorities. If such conduct is discovered after an Event, violators will be invoiced according to onsite registration pricing and will be required to pay their invoice in full in order to avoid being reported to law enforcement authorities.
  • Registering for, participating in, or attending Frosty Faustings LLC events constitutes the voluntary consent of the participant or attendee and/or any Minor for which they serve as Guardian to: (a) have their gameplay be recorded by Frosty Faustings LLC representatives and (b) the reproduction and use of all such photographs, digital images, films, and likenesses for publicity purposes in publications, advertisements, promotional and marketing materials, and all other media including the World Wide Web, without further notice or compensation to the registrant, participant, or attendee. All proprietary rights and copyrights in all such photographs, digital images, films and likenesses (including negatives, positives, and prints) shall be and remain the property of Frosty Faustings LLC.
  • You and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian agree that you have knowledge of and consent to being photographed, filmed, and otherwise recorded. This recording may occur with or without your direct and simultaneous awareness.
  • You and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian irrevocably and wholly grant to Frosty Faustings LLC the exclusive use of your name, voice, picture, and likeness as recorded on these premises in conjunction with this event. You also irrevocably and wholly grant to Frosty Faustings LLC the exclusive use of any statements and actions made by you as recorded on these premises in conjunction with this event. This grant of rights shall be effective throughout the world and in perpetuity.
  • Frosty Faustings LLC may use any footage it obtains at this event for any purpose, including but not limited to live and recorded transmission, advertising, promotion, sale, and transfer, in all media now known or hereafter devised throughout the universe and in perpetuity.
  • Pets are not permitted at the event, with the exception of service animals.
  • By registering for Frosty Faustings I agree to receive marketing emails pertaining to this year’s current event and any future events held by Frosty Faustings. I am aware that my email will only be used by Frosty Faustings and not sold to a third party or to solicit third-party products. I am aware that at any time I may choose to unsubscribe from the marketing emails.
  • By participating in the event, you agree to assume liability and responsibility for yourself and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian, for any and all injury and damage incurred or caused by or to you during this event, including but not limited to any injuries that may result from any arcade machine or video game console, monitor, joystick, or any other object, as well as crowding, excitement, or the actions of other individuals.
  • All attendees shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Frosty Faustings LLC, its affiliated corporations, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives and employees from and against any and all costs and expenses, damages, claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses and judgments including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and legal expenses, based on, arising out of or in any way related or connected with the Event or any other matter or activity directly or indirectly related to the Event, including but not limited to exposure to COVID-19, libel, slander, disparagement, defamation, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, piracy, plagiarism, or infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. This obligation shall continue beyond the term of the Event.
  • An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. By attending Frosty Faustings XVII 2025 you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 to yourself and/or any Minor for which you serve as Guardian

Intellectual Property

  • All intellectual property rights in and to the Event, the Event content, and all materials distributed at or in connection with the Event are owned by Frosty Faustings LLC, or the Event sponsors, vendors, artists, publishers, or developers. You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any trademarks or other trade names appearing at the Event, in any Event content or in any materials distributed at or in connection with the Event for any reason without the prior written permission of Frosty Faustings LLC.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest in you any legal or beneficial right in or to any trademarks or other intellectual property rights owned or used under license by Frosty Faustings LLC or any of its affiliates; nor does this Agreement grant to you any right or license to any other intellectual property rights of Frosty Faustings LLC or its affiliates, all of which shall at all times remain the exclusive property of Frosty Faustings LLC and its affiliates.

Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability

  • Frosty Faustings gives no warranties in respect of any aspect of the Event or any materials related thereto or offered at the Event and, to the fullest extent possible under the laws governing this Agreement, disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness, and merchantability. The Event is provided on an “as-is” basis.
  • The views, opinions, and positions expressed by the commentators, attendees, staff, vendors, artists, or sponsors at the Event are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of Frosty Faustings LLC or any employee thereof. Event makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information presented by he commentators, attendees, staff, vendors, artists, or sponsors at the Event and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Frosty Faustings LLC does not endorse, and expressly disclaims all liability relating to, any of the products or services provided by the commentators, attendees, staff, vendors, artists, or sponsors
  • Except as required by law, neither Frosty Faustings LLC nor its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the Event or other aspect related thereto or in connection with this Agreement.
  • The maximum aggregate liability of Event for any claim in any way connected with, or arising from, the Event or this Agreement, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise (including any negligent act or omission), shall be limited to the amount paid by you to Frosty Faustings LLC under this Agreement.

Class Action Waiver

  • Any arbitration or litigation under these Terms and Conditions will take place on an individual basis; class arbitrations and class/representative/collective actions are not permitted. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT A PARTY MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN EACH’S INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PUTATIVE CLASS, COLLECTIVE AND/ OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, SUCH AS IN THE FORM OF A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL ACTION AGAINST THE OTHER. Further, unless both you and Frosty Faustings agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.
  • The following attendee agreement is a legal and binding agreement between Frosty Faustings and you. Frosty Faustings reserves all rights to change or update this agreement at any moment and at its sole discretion. You and/or any Minors for which you serve as Guardian will be subject to the most current version posted on the Website at the time of use or attending. Please carefully read these terms.